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sign of the times

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duration 2:00

Toneelgroep Amsterdam, De Balie and Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam will be working together this season with the new program series Sign of the Times. During this series, we will annually present four programs about an important social theme. This year, the theme is identity.

Identity is, without a doubt, the ultimate current social theme. The newspapers are full of it: citizens rebel against the elite, nationalists oppose cosmopolitans, the old oppose the young and Muslims have to position themselves opposite Judeo-Christian tradition.  According to many, the most important theme during the past elections was ‘Dutch identity’.

This growing nationalism evokes questions. Identity is both a binding and a separating factor. It allows people to recognize themselves in others. But it is equally an instrument for exclusion.  People are increasingly addressed based on color, gender, nationality and sexual orientation. This way, they are pinned to something that is unchangeable. Is identity something that is fixed, or is it dynamic, is it in motion? And what is the meaning of this growing nationalism?

This season, under the title Sign of the Times, we will be investigating together with our audience what identity is and how it is used. De Balie, Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam and Toneelgroep Amsterdam will combine their knowledge and create combinations of debate and theatricality, art and politics. For this purpose, they will organize four theatrical, poignant, multifaceted and internationally oriented evenings.

The program dates will be announced later.



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